Match with peers from your industry who share a similar goal. Find the tools to co-create meaningful work and elevate your career, motivation and performance.

Story time: here’s a story that turned into three offerings.
Some are free. Some are paying.
You pick your value.

the OTCHO story, part 1:

The year is 2021. You’re looking at a woman in IT, consulting in corporate. She’s getting sick, from chronic boredom in unchallenging work.

She wants a simple and straight up answer to know what motivates her in her work.


She looks up the scientific literature on motivation, only to find she gets more confused and frustrated with every paper.

So she decides, “Fine, I’ll bring all of it together in something much more simple myself.”

She creates a Novel theory for motivation that summarizes the main key points. It becomes this easy 45min. exercise and before she knows it, other people find value in it too.

You can now find it on Spotify, for free.

the OTCHO story, part 2:

She’s not done. She wants to find her purpose.

She needs more insights on what kind of work drives her, so she reads the most popular personal development books.


She reads all the books, only to find they are ‘motivational’ in nature, and not really offering the simple, science-backed and actionable tools she’s looking for. She wants exercises.

She decides, “Fine, I’ll bring all of it together in something much more actionable myself.”

She creates 8 Career Exercises that summarize the key points. They are short (<60min), science-backed and immediately actionable. Before she knows it, other people find value in them too.

They’re now on Skool, for € 0.

the OTCHO story, part 3:

She’s still not done. She organizes the exercises as a group track. She’s working in finance now, the year is 2023.

She finds that people get even more value in sharing insights, with each other.


She refines the group program, only to find that relevant matching makes all the difference. We all want people who know what we’re going through.

She decides, “Fine then, I’ll bring us together based on the best matching algorithm ever built.”

She creates a matching process that connects people from 1 industry, with 1 goal.

So today, we’re building a new matching algorithm, and it’s her hope that you, and many others, will find value in this too.

end of story, here are the offerings once more:


some of the benefits:

  • Dedicate 45 minutes of your life to one podcast episode, take a few post-its and a pen (simple), and gain clarity on what motivates you in your work.

  • Instead of analysis paralysis, FOMO and inaction, you get to know which one next action will guide you in a career direction that is yours.

  • You're not alone. Your colleagues (and employer) benefit too. Tell them how you want to appreciated, tell them which kind of work fires you up.


some of the features:

  • No templates, maximum 60 minutes per exercise and special attention for indecision anxiety.

  • Exercises are based on scientific papers and popular personal development reads. All sources are mentioned.

  • Take away a next action or conversation from each exercise to co-create work with a manager, discuss actions with a coach or share insights with a friend.


some of the benefits:

  • Peers in your industry understand your challenges and goals. Think relevant personalized insights. Talk industry-specific next actions.

  • Know what boosts your motivation and performance. Get tips and insights from your peers and outperform yourself, together, repeatedly.

  • Well, this is the matching algorithm, isn't it? Top secret for now, but you'll be sure to get some good new contacts. As they say, your net worth is your network.